Academic Performance Characteristics of Special Boarding Students:
The Case of Adama, Ethiopia
The main purpose of this study was to investigate academic performance characteristics of Oromia Development Association Special Boarding School (ODASBS) students. To this end, a descriptive correlational research method was employed. Purdue Academic Rating Scale (PARS) was used to gather data. One hundred ODASBS students (Male = 56, Female = 44) were selected through random sampling technique from grades 9 - 12. The academic performance characteristics of students were rated by subject-teachers of mathematics, English language, science, and social studies. Results of rating students’ academic performance characteristics showed that ODASBS students were at an excellent level in academic performance in mathematics, English, and science whereas at strong average in social studies. Out of the maximum possible rating scores, this study revealed that the academic performance characteristics rated as 45.42, 44.58, 44.76, and 36.2 for mathematics, English language, science, and social studies subjects, respectively. Result of correlation analysis showed that there was positive and significant relationship between mathematics and English language academic performances (r = 0.332, r2 = 0.11%, p < 0.01, df = n – 2 = 98). Mathematics academic performance was the leading academic performance characteristic and in no subject, ODASBS students fell under average performance. The school, social studies teachers, and students should give emphasis to social studies as equal as other subjects.
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